Sunday, April 19, 2009

Dinner and a ???

Food is quite good. I mean, what's not to like? I guess vegetarians could argue against me but they aren't real people so that doesn't count. BUT what makes food better is pairing it with a fun activity. Great company always complements great food but other than that, here's my list of things to do while you eat:

1. Live Jazz/other live music

I just got back from Jazz at the Lincoln Center and it was pretty fantastic. So much so that it inspired me to write this post. Live music is almost always good and this was no exception. Plus the guitarist chap seemed cool in the elevator after the show. What I don't understand are people who walk in 90 mins late for a 2 hour show. Yeah, I'm sure they're busy and whatnot but are you kidding me? Stay at home and order take out next time.

2. Medieval Times

I have been to Medieval Times twice. How many times has my knight won? ZERO. I still hold a grudge against the Blue knight (oddly enough I was placed in the blue knight section both times). But it's still a fun experience when you're ten, or however old I was at the time. I like people responding to my banging on the table with a plate, by coming over with more food.

3. Movie

Food tastes so much better when it's smuggled into a movie theater. This is one of the many uses of the gigantic handbags that female human beings carry. Munching on a nice fat burrito from Chipotle, while watching a movie, is pretty awesome. Plus, the people around you give you dirty looks when you noisily unwrap or tear the foil. But these dirt looks don't bother me one bit. I know it's merely their way of channeling their jealousy. Burrito>Popcorn. I win.

4. Live Sports

Few things beat watching a sport live, in the flesh. Being at a stadium, surrounded by thousands of crazies, watching your heroes battle it out, living vicariously through the athletes, wishing you had the ability to control the happiness or sadness of thousands watching you at the stadium or elsewhere, makes any sort of food taste really good. Soggy pizza, mystery-meat hot-dogs, salty dry pretzels - bring it on. Wolfing down junk food to fuel your adrenaline rush fools the taste buds easily. Throw in a beer and it's perfect.

5. TV Shows

TV shows can be quite addictive. I've found that good simple food at home pairs well with good TV. Maybe that's only because I live alone at the moment but it's a worthy companion. The only drawback is that sometimes I get too engrossed in the show and 30 minutes later, my food is cold. However, few things beat following a long day at work with kicking back on a comfy couch with tasty food and entertaining television.

1 comment:

monKey said...

you re pretty funny

bacon chocolate whatever still makes me want to gag tho (referring to post below)