Sunday, April 26, 2009

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Dinner and a ???

Food is quite good. I mean, what's not to like? I guess vegetarians could argue against me but they aren't real people so that doesn't count. BUT what makes food better is pairing it with a fun activity. Great company always complements great food but other than that, here's my list of things to do while you eat:

1. Live Jazz/other live music

I just got back from Jazz at the Lincoln Center and it was pretty fantastic. So much so that it inspired me to write this post. Live music is almost always good and this was no exception. Plus the guitarist chap seemed cool in the elevator after the show. What I don't understand are people who walk in 90 mins late for a 2 hour show. Yeah, I'm sure they're busy and whatnot but are you kidding me? Stay at home and order take out next time.

2. Medieval Times

I have been to Medieval Times twice. How many times has my knight won? ZERO. I still hold a grudge against the Blue knight (oddly enough I was placed in the blue knight section both times). But it's still a fun experience when you're ten, or however old I was at the time. I like people responding to my banging on the table with a plate, by coming over with more food.

3. Movie

Food tastes so much better when it's smuggled into a movie theater. This is one of the many uses of the gigantic handbags that female human beings carry. Munching on a nice fat burrito from Chipotle, while watching a movie, is pretty awesome. Plus, the people around you give you dirty looks when you noisily unwrap or tear the foil. But these dirt looks don't bother me one bit. I know it's merely their way of channeling their jealousy. Burrito>Popcorn. I win.

4. Live Sports

Few things beat watching a sport live, in the flesh. Being at a stadium, surrounded by thousands of crazies, watching your heroes battle it out, living vicariously through the athletes, wishing you had the ability to control the happiness or sadness of thousands watching you at the stadium or elsewhere, makes any sort of food taste really good. Soggy pizza, mystery-meat hot-dogs, salty dry pretzels - bring it on. Wolfing down junk food to fuel your adrenaline rush fools the taste buds easily. Throw in a beer and it's perfect.

5. TV Shows

TV shows can be quite addictive. I've found that good simple food at home pairs well with good TV. Maybe that's only because I live alone at the moment but it's a worthy companion. The only drawback is that sometimes I get too engrossed in the show and 30 minutes later, my food is cold. However, few things beat following a long day at work with kicking back on a comfy couch with tasty food and entertaining television.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Time goes by...

One of the things I like to have a list of is "Places to hit up to kill time" in the city. Yeah there are the typical sleeping, going to museums, hanging out at the park kinda deals but you can only do so much of that. So anyway, here's my latest list:

During the day, when stores are open:

1. Virgin Records
Sadly, this will soon be a thing of the past. I've spent countless hours of my life at these stores and would gladly repeat over and over. Whether it's the new releases section in the front or the electronic music section in the back, Virgin is quite magical. I've discovered more than a few gems here, thanks to the way stuff is displayed but more importantly, the store has also rescued me when nature has called.

2. Bookstores - Barnes&Noble, Borders etc.
This is probably the easiest place to kill time. Why? Bookstores have books. Books are interesting and enjoyable. Reading books takes time. Connect the dots - Bookstores are an enjoyable way to kill time. Plus, they usually have cafes that overcharge you for little nonsense like scones n shit but I feel compelled to buy something anyway, as a sort of tolling fee for reading their books without buying any. They also have answering machines for nature-calls.

In the morning, before most stores open:

1. Street Markets:
Although these cannot satisfy my urinary or defecatory needs, they're generally awesome places to kill time. There's always a plethora of interestng characters selling overpriced junk to fools that think they're getting a super deal (I have been amongst the fools many times). These markets also usually have good food and drink that's fun to munch/sip on while you walk around.

2. Barbershops:
These usually open early and always have space for walk-ins in the morning. Few things in life make me as happy as getting a good haircut (shampoo, massage and all). Maybe it's just me but being able to sit there in a comfy chair, sipping on tea or a beverage of my choice, while someone (usually an attractive female) plays with my hair whilst shampooing and cutting it makes me smile. It also makes me look like a true hero. Always.

In the evening, when stores are closed:

1. Sheesha/Hookah
I'd like to think of my system as being fairly free of debauchery-related toxins and so my conscience and the joy of sheesha allow me to hit up a sheesha bar every now and then. Usually, Horus Cafe (10th and A, not 6th and B) is the destination of choice. An orange sheesha, a mixed grill platter and two hours later, I'm a happy chap.

Late at night, after leaving the bars and before going to bed:

1. Korean BBQ
Three words: Kum Gang Sang. I don't know what the hell that means, but to me it represents so much more than a 24-hour Korean barbeque place that has great food. Where else can you have:
a) rock climbing
b) a waterfall
c) a white piano that is sometimes played and
d) science lessons
while you stuff your face with bulgogi? The answer is nowhere. Nowhere but KGS (and I'm not referring to the Karachi Grammar School). Added bonus: the panchan keeps changing and they've been throwing in added freebies like salad and dessert as well. What an experience.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Upside Down but Rightside Up

Odd food combinations that could kill you, while tasting great.

1. Goat-cheese stuffed Corn Bread - 202
Who knew? Who knew? Such an awesome combination and yet this weekend was the first time I had ever come across it. Corn bread by itself is awesome and goat know what I think about goat cheese. Put them together...mmm.

2. Bacon Chocolate Bars - Vosges
Don't gag. Don't vomit. Give it a chance. I read about it in a magazine and knew I had to try it. It's definitely different, but it works. Think salted caramel with chocolate with a little meat thrown in. Words can't describe it well, so go try it out.

3. Bagel Dogs - Auntie Anne's
Taking unhealthy things at a fast food joint and making them unhealthier usually ends in vomitous diaster (think deep fried cheesecake or mac n cheese bites), but Auntie Anne really did well here. The bread is soft and buttery and the hot dog is, well, a hot dog. A perfect snack to chomp on while you walk around a mall.

4. Deep fried Hollandaise with Eggs Benedict - WD~50
Yeah, I know it sounds terrible, but Wylie Dufresne is quite the magician. I'm not a fan of eggs benedict but I ordered these anyway and was converted immediately. The entire dish looked unlike anything I had ever eaten before and the combination of the eggs and the bacon and the deep fried hollaindaise was almost perfect.

5. Pickle Sandwiches - home (not the restaurant)
Note: Pickle here doesn't refer to the little cucumbers preserved in brine but rather, Indian pickle. I refuse to explain what it is, so if you are curious, google it.
Pickle sandwiches are the ultimate snack. So tasty, so easy to make and unhealthy. Take two slices of nutrition-less soft white bread with a generous layer of oil-laden mango pickle in between them and you have a cardiologist's nightmare. And a hungry man's wet dream.

6. Bagel Rolls - every sushi place in Atlanta
The South has its way of asserting its influence on anything and everything. The Japanese came with their healthy raw fish and rice and the South said "Nay, we must maintain our gigantum waistlines" and invented the Bagel Roll. Rice rolled around a big chunk of cream cheese, a small piece of salmon, dipped in batter and deep fried. Two small pieces are more than I can take at a given meal and although they aren't spectacular, they're pretty good.

7. Frito Pie - Sonic or other places in the Souf
Another Southern Star. There's chilli which is loaded with calories even without the cheese that's added on top, but clearly the Southerners weren't happy with just that. No no no no no. The calorific content was not nearly high enough so they threw in Frito's with chilli and cheese and rolled it up in a lardy tortilla and gave birth to the Frito Pie. I could feel it clogging my arteries right away, but knew that if I died right there, it wouldn't be such a sad demise.

8. Meat Chips - KaDeWe Food Hall
The Germans might not have too many superstars in the culinary world but the creator of this is definitely an unsung hero. I shall therefore sing his praise. He's a genius. Whoever it was, he/she took two of the greatest things - meat and chips - and morphed them into one and created the Meat Chip. The Ultimate Snack. Health Schmealth, meat chips are awesome.

9. Cheesecake Lollipop Tree - David Burke Townhouse
Technically, this isn't an odd food combination because it's just cheesecake, but it's in the presentation. Everyone loves lollipops and everyone loves cheesecake so when I saw these on the menu I knew I had to try them. It's great cheesecake but the fact that it's presented as a tree makes you want to eat more and more. 5 minutes later you chide yourself for being greedy and stupid but then stop and savour the taste that's still in your mouth and smile contently.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Do you see what I see?

Like I said earlier, I don't really like taking photos of people. I find taking shots of people to be pretty awkward and generally avoid doing so. Don't know about you, but I'm never comfortable going up to someone and saying, "Can I shoot you?"

Instead, I much prefer taking shots of inanimate objects and, in particular, the way they reflect light. So here are a few photos along those lines; and to add a theme to the entire lot, I chose shots that are either taken through or are of doors and windows. Hope you like...