Friday, February 27, 2009

Living peeps I'd like to have lunch/dinner with

A little while ago I had a discussion with the guy who peed in a store and he said if he had to choose a person he could have lunch with, living or dead, he'd choose Justin Timberlake. Now while I don't agree with his choice, he did have good reasoning for not choosing someone like Gandhi (he wouldn't eat much) or Lincoln (who would want to wear a suit and a top hat to lunch?). So here's a list of living peeps I'd like to have lunch or dinner with:

- His bling would light up any dinner table (literally and figuratively)
- I want to see if his vocabulary exceeds two words - yeah and ok

2. Ivanka Trump (one of her companies just declared bankruptcy so she should have free time)
- Have you seen her?
- I hear she's super smart
- Have you seen her?

3. Paul Krugman (no, that is not an image of George Clooney from Syriana)
- He's the nerd that everyone should want to be like
- He published an initial version of the theory that won him the Nobel Prize when he was 26 (that gives me 4 years to catch up)

4. Gordon Ramsay (I stole this idea from a girl that thinks white people get ulcers on their feet from tight shoes)
- He would make sure that the food was good
- Swearing is fun

6. Matthew "Matt" Harding
- Anyone that thinks of this is a genius
- I want to learn that dance from the originator chap

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